Here Now: Design Center Showroom sends stock to FCG Natick

By Jay Frucci
1 min read

Here Now: Design Center Showroom sends stock to FCG Natick

Finally, after a long and miserable pandemic year, we’re free. We now have official permission to sing, hug, laugh and even sneeze without condemnation. We can stroll through the grocery store without someone snarling that we’re violating that absurd shopping protocol that required one-way traffic in every aisle.


Can we all go back to normal now?


Not so fast. It’s becoming apparent that returning to normal won’t be as simple as flipping a switch. Gas prices are soaring and expected to rise even further this summer. Lumber prices are skyrocketing, too. A 2X4 costs almost $10. Foam furniture has become a precious commodity because of snarls in the global supply chain.


But at FCG, we're still pulling New England's finest pre-owned home furnishings into our showrooms from Boston's finest estates. This week we received an extra special bonus load of furniture from a premier showroom in the Boston Design Center. They're moving to a new space and have hired FCG to sell their spectacular floor models. These luxury items come with no strings attached, i.e, lengthy lead times.  To the contrary, you can take them home today!


These items are first come first serve and are in full display in our Natick showroom.

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