Five Reasons Why Consignment is the Best Choice for Selling Luxury Pre-owned Furniture

By Jay Frucci
2 min read

Five Reasons Why Consignment is the Best Choice for Selling Luxury Pre-owned Furniture

A history of selling used furniture:


Eons ago, man rolled his favorite sitting rock outside the cave and hoped to swap it with a neighbor. It was hard work and, due to wild animals, sometimes fatal. In the Middle Ages, barter was common but the market was limited. In the golden age of newspapers, classified ads were common but expensive.


Yard sales were popular in the last few decades, if you didn’t mind the exhaustion of carrying your furniture out to the driveway and the ridicule of neighbors. Since 1995, Craigslist and other online marketplaces popped up, but, in reality, you often dealt with sketchy, if not downright dangerous, characters. Sometimes, your used stuff languished, unbought, for weeks or months.


There’s a better option now for selling high-quality furniture. Furniture Consignment Gallery is the leading consignment store in New England with three bustling stores in Hanover, Natick and Plymouth. Here are five solid reasons to sell with FCG:  


  1. To sell luxury brand-name furniture, you need sophisticated buyers. They want an upscale shopping experience in well-curated stores and a trustworthy website. FCG is famous for both. Online marketplaces attract low-ballers, tire-kickers, and scammers.
  2. When timing is critical, FCG offers a reliable way to get furniture you no longer want out of your home and onto the resale market. Say, for example, you’re selling your home and the closing date is looming. Do you really have time to chat up potential buyers on Craigslist, giving detailed directions to folks who never show up? FCG will have a delivery truck in your driveway on schedule. And we’ll remove your furniture carefully, without dings or dents to the furniture or your home. 
  3. FB and other online marketplaces turn your home into a store. That means potential buyers will be strolling through your house and getting comfy for a while on the sofa you hope to sell. Who knows how long they’ll stay or whether they’ll actually buy after a lengthy look-see? Also, that buyer is going to have to wrestle that sofa out of your house. Moving experience? Doubtful. Are you okay with scuffed walls? What if they break your furniture then refuse to buy it?
  4. Some online marketplaces say they will handle the logistics of shipping your furniture to the buyers. In reality, the seller has to coordinate with the shipper. What if a buyer claims you misrepresented an item or it was damaged in shipping? Are you up for that hassle? FCG insulates consignors from these situations, managing customer service issues for you.
  5. Pricing used luxury furniture is an art. Designer marketplace sites typically over-price, limiting the market. Community sites demand low prices. FCG is an expert in pricing. And our customers tell us we are genius at displaying and merchandising furniture. That means your pre-owned furniture sells faster and for a higher price.

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