Big News and a Big Sale: FCG Opens Burlington on Tax-Free Weekend and Gives Furniture Shoppers 15% Off at All Four Stores!

Hear ye! Hear ye!
There is news, my good countrymen and women, of a tax-free weekend today and tomorrow in Massachusetts. This holiday lets you save the usual 6.25% ransom demanded by our state taxman.
Hear ye! Hear ye! More news! Furniture Consignment Gallery is having a 15% off sale and opening our fourth store in Burlington! Over 1,000 new items – top quality at bargain prices – will be awaiting you there and online.
So, saddle up! Get the buggy ready to roll and take a trip to Furniture Consignment Gallery on Middlesex Turnpike in Burlington. Even better, follow the bargain-lovers trail from Plymouth to Hanover to Natick and Burlington.
Shop every one of our four stores tax-free and get 15% off today through Sunday. FCG’s stores are open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Or, if you prefer to stay home in your fuzzy slippers, you can shop our extraordinary inventory online at any hour!